This is the complete list of members for QuantConnect.Symbol, including all inherited members.
Canonical | QuantConnect.Symbol | |
CIK | QuantConnect.Symbol | |
CompareTo(object obj) | QuantConnect.Symbol | |
CompositeFIGI | QuantConnect.Symbol | |
Contains(string value) (defined in QuantConnect.Symbol) | QuantConnect.Symbol | |
Create(string ticker, SecurityType securityType, string market, string alias=null, Type baseDataType=null) | QuantConnect.Symbol | static |
CreateBase(PyObject baseType, Symbol underlying, string market=null) | QuantConnect.Symbol | static |
CreateBase(Type baseType, Symbol underlying, string market=null) | QuantConnect.Symbol | static |
CreateCanonicalOption(Symbol underlyingSymbol, string market=null, string alias=null) | QuantConnect.Symbol | static |
CreateCanonicalOption(Symbol underlyingSymbol, string targetOption, string market=null, string alias=null) | QuantConnect.Symbol | static |
CreateFuture(string ticker, string market, DateTime expiry, string alias=null) | QuantConnect.Symbol | static |
CreateOption(string underlying, string market, OptionStyle style, OptionRight right, decimal strike, DateTime expiry, string alias=null, bool mapSymbol=true) | QuantConnect.Symbol | static |
CreateOption(Symbol underlyingSymbol, string market, OptionStyle style, OptionRight right, decimal strike, DateTime expiry, string alias=null) | QuantConnect.Symbol | static |
CreateOption(Symbol underlyingSymbol, string targetOption, string market, OptionStyle style, OptionRight right, decimal strike, DateTime expiry, string alias=null) | QuantConnect.Symbol | static |
CreateOption(SecurityIdentifier sid, string value, Symbol underlying=null) | QuantConnect.Symbol | static |
CUSIP | QuantConnect.Symbol | |
Empty | QuantConnect.Symbol | static |
EndsWith(string value) (defined in QuantConnect.Symbol) | QuantConnect.Symbol | |
Equals(object obj) | QuantConnect.Symbol | |
Equals(Symbol other) | QuantConnect.Symbol | |
GetAlias(SecurityIdentifier securityIdentifier, Symbol underlying=null) | QuantConnect.Symbol | static |
GetHashCode() | QuantConnect.Symbol | |
GetOptionTypeFromUnderlying(Symbol underlyingSymbol) | QuantConnect.Symbol | static |
GetOptionTypeFromUnderlying(SecurityType securityType) | QuantConnect.Symbol | static |
GetUnderlyingFromOptionType(SecurityType securityType) | QuantConnect.Symbol | static |
HasCanonical() | QuantConnect.Symbol | |
HasUnderlying | QuantConnect.Symbol | |
HasUnderlyingSymbol(Symbol symbol) | QuantConnect.Symbol | |
ID | QuantConnect.Symbol | |
IsCanonical() | QuantConnect.Symbol | |
ISIN | QuantConnect.Symbol | |
None | QuantConnect.Symbol | static |
operator string(Symbol symbol) | QuantConnect.Symbol | static |
operator Symbol(string ticker) | QuantConnect.Symbol | static |
operator!=(Symbol left, Symbol right) | QuantConnect.Symbol | static |
operator!=(Symbol left, object right) | QuantConnect.Symbol | static |
operator!=(object left, Symbol right) | QuantConnect.Symbol | static |
operator==(Symbol left, Symbol right) | QuantConnect.Symbol | static |
operator==(Symbol left, object right) | QuantConnect.Symbol | static |
operator==(object left, Symbol right) | QuantConnect.Symbol | static |
SecurityType | QuantConnect.Symbol | |
SEDOL | QuantConnect.Symbol | |
StartsWith(string value) (defined in QuantConnect.Symbol) | QuantConnect.Symbol | |
Symbol(SecurityIdentifier sid, string value) | QuantConnect.Symbol | |
ToLower() (defined in QuantConnect.Symbol) | QuantConnect.Symbol | |
ToString() | QuantConnect.Symbol | |
ToUpper() (defined in QuantConnect.Symbol) | QuantConnect.Symbol | |
Underlying | QuantConnect.Symbol | |
UpdateMappedSymbol(string mappedSymbol, uint contractDepthOffset=0) | QuantConnect.Symbol | |
Value | QuantConnect.Symbol |