Lean  $LEAN_TAG$
1 /*
2  * QUANTCONNECT.COM - Democratizing Finance, Empowering Individuals.
3  * Lean Algorithmic Trading Engine v2.0. Copyright 2014 QuantConnect Corporation.
4  *
5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8  *
9  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13  * limitations under the License.
14 */
16 using System;
17 using System.Collections.Generic;
18 using System.Globalization;
19 using System.Linq;
20 using System.Reflection;
21 using Fasterflect;
25 using QuantConnect.Data;
31 using QuantConnect.Logging;
32 using QuantConnect.Packets;
34 using QuantConnect.Util;
37 {
38  /// <summary>
39  /// Defines a set up handler that initializes the algorithm instance using values retrieved from the user's brokerage account
40  /// </summary>
42  {
43  /// <summary>
44  /// Max allocation limit configuration variable name
45  /// </summary>
46  public static string MaxAllocationLimitConfig = "max-allocation-limit";
48  /// <summary>
49  /// The worker thread instance the setup handler should use
50  /// </summary>
51  public WorkerThread WorkerThread { get; set; }
53  /// <summary>
54  /// Any errors from the initialization stored here:
55  /// </summary>
56  public List<Exception> Errors { get; set; }
58  /// <summary>
59  /// Get the maximum runtime for this algorithm job.
60  /// </summary>
61  public TimeSpan MaximumRuntime { get; }
63  /// <summary>
64  /// Algorithm starting capital for statistics calculations
65  /// </summary>
66  public decimal StartingPortfolioValue { get; private set; }
68  /// <summary>
69  /// Start date for analysis loops to search for data.
70  /// </summary>
71  public DateTime StartingDate { get; private set; }
73  /// <summary>
74  /// Maximum number of orders for the algorithm run -- applicable for backtests only.
75  /// </summary>
76  public int MaxOrders { get; }
78  // saves ref to algo so we can call quit if runtime error encountered
79  private IBrokerageFactory _factory;
80  private IBrokerage _dataQueueHandlerBrokerage;
82  /// <summary>
83  /// Initializes a new BrokerageSetupHandler
84  /// </summary>
86  {
87  Errors = new List<Exception>();
88  MaximumRuntime = TimeSpan.FromDays(10*365);
89  MaxOrders = int.MaxValue;
90  }
92  /// <summary>
93  /// Create a new instance of an algorithm from a physical dll path.
94  /// </summary>
95  /// <param name="assemblyPath">The path to the assembly's location</param>
96  /// <param name="algorithmNodePacket">Details of the task required</param>
97  /// <returns>A new instance of IAlgorithm, or throws an exception if there was an error</returns>
98  public IAlgorithm CreateAlgorithmInstance(AlgorithmNodePacket algorithmNodePacket, string assemblyPath)
99  {
100  string error;
101  IAlgorithm algorithm;
103  // limit load times to 10 seconds and force the assembly to have exactly one derived type
104  var loader = new Loader(false, algorithmNodePacket.Language, BaseSetupHandler.AlgorithmCreationTimeout, names => names.SingleOrAlgorithmTypeName(Config.Get("algorithm-type-name", algorithmNodePacket.AlgorithmId)), WorkerThread);
105  var complete = loader.TryCreateAlgorithmInstanceWithIsolator(assemblyPath, algorithmNodePacket.RamAllocation, out algorithm, out error);
106  if (!complete) throw new AlgorithmSetupException($"During the algorithm initialization, the following exception has occurred: {error}");
108  return algorithm;
109  }
111  /// <summary>
112  /// Creates the brokerage as specified by the job packet
113  /// </summary>
114  /// <param name="algorithmNodePacket">Job packet</param>
115  /// <param name="uninitializedAlgorithm">The algorithm instance before Initialize has been called</param>
116  /// <param name="factory">The brokerage factory</param>
117  /// <returns>The brokerage instance, or throws if error creating instance</returns>
118  public IBrokerage CreateBrokerage(AlgorithmNodePacket algorithmNodePacket, IAlgorithm uninitializedAlgorithm, out IBrokerageFactory factory)
119  {
120  var liveJob = algorithmNodePacket as LiveNodePacket;
121  if (liveJob == null)
122  {
123  throw new ArgumentException("BrokerageSetupHandler.CreateBrokerage requires a live node packet");
124  }
126  Log.Trace($"BrokerageSetupHandler.CreateBrokerage(): creating brokerage '{liveJob.Brokerage}'");
128  // find the correct brokerage factory based on the specified brokerage in the live job packet
129  _factory = Composer.Instance.Single<IBrokerageFactory>(brokerageFactory => brokerageFactory.BrokerageType.MatchesTypeName(liveJob.Brokerage));
130  factory = _factory;
132  PreloadDataQueueHandler(liveJob, uninitializedAlgorithm, factory);
134  // initialize the correct brokerage using the resolved factory
135  var brokerage = _factory.CreateBrokerage(liveJob, uninitializedAlgorithm);
137  return brokerage;
138  }
140  /// <summary>
141  /// Primary entry point to setup a new algorithm
142  /// </summary>
143  /// <param name="parameters">The parameters object to use</param>
144  /// <returns>True on successfully setting up the algorithm state, or false on error.</returns>
145  public bool Setup(SetupHandlerParameters parameters)
146  {
147  var algorithm = parameters.Algorithm;
148  var brokerage = parameters.Brokerage;
149  // verify we were given the correct job packet type
150  var liveJob = parameters.AlgorithmNodePacket as LiveNodePacket;
151  if (liveJob == null)
152  {
153  AddInitializationError("BrokerageSetupHandler requires a LiveNodePacket");
154  return false;
155  }
157  algorithm.Name = liveJob.GetAlgorithmName();
159  // verify the brokerage was specified
160  if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(liveJob.Brokerage))
161  {
162  AddInitializationError("A brokerage must be specified");
163  return false;
164  }
166  BaseSetupHandler.Setup(parameters);
168  // attach to the message event to relay brokerage specific initialization messages
169  EventHandler<BrokerageMessageEvent> brokerageOnMessage = (sender, args) =>
170  {
171  if (args.Type == BrokerageMessageType.Error)
172  {
173  AddInitializationError($"Brokerage Error Code: {args.Code} - {args.Message}");
174  }
175  };
177  try
178  {
179  // let the world know what we're doing since logging in can take a minute
180  parameters.ResultHandler.SendStatusUpdate(AlgorithmStatus.LoggingIn, "Logging into brokerage...");
182  brokerage.Message += brokerageOnMessage;
184  Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Connecting to brokerage...");
185  try
186  {
187  // this can fail for various reasons, such as already being logged in somewhere else
188  brokerage.Connect();
189  }
190  catch (Exception err)
191  {
192  Log.Error(err);
193  AddInitializationError(
194  $"Error connecting to brokerage: {err.Message}. " +
195  "This may be caused by incorrect login credentials or an unsupported account type.", err);
196  return false;
197  }
199  if (!brokerage.IsConnected)
200  {
201  // if we're reporting that we're not connected, bail
202  AddInitializationError("Unable to connect to brokerage.");
203  return false;
204  }
206  var message = $"{brokerage.Name} account base currency: {brokerage.AccountBaseCurrency ?? algorithm.AccountCurrency}";
209  var accountCurrency = brokerage.AccountBaseCurrency;
210  if (liveJob.BrokerageData.ContainsKey(MaxAllocationLimitConfig))
211  {
212  accountCurrency = Currencies.USD;
213  message += ". Allocation limited, will use 'USD' account currency";
214  }
216  Log.Trace($"BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): {message}");
218  algorithm.Debug(message);
219  if (accountCurrency != null && accountCurrency != algorithm.AccountCurrency)
220  {
221  algorithm.SetAccountCurrency(accountCurrency);
222  }
224  Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Initializing algorithm...");
226  parameters.ResultHandler.SendStatusUpdate(AlgorithmStatus.Initializing, "Initializing algorithm...");
228  //Execute the initialize code:
229  var controls = liveJob.Controls;
230  var isolator = new Isolator();
231  var initializeComplete = isolator.ExecuteWithTimeLimit(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(300), () =>
232  {
233  try
234  {
235  //Set the default brokerage model before initialize
236  algorithm.SetBrokerageModel(_factory.GetBrokerageModel(algorithm.Transactions));
238  //Margin calls are disabled by default in live mode
239  algorithm.Portfolio.MarginCallModel = MarginCallModel.Null;
241  //Set our parameters
242  algorithm.SetParameters(liveJob.Parameters);
243  algorithm.SetAvailableDataTypes(BaseSetupHandler.GetConfiguredDataFeeds());
245  //Algorithm is live, not backtesting:
246  algorithm.SetAlgorithmMode(liveJob.AlgorithmMode);
248  //Initialize the algorithm's starting date
249  algorithm.SetDateTime(DateTime.UtcNow);
251  //Set the source impl for the event scheduling
252  algorithm.Schedule.SetEventSchedule(parameters.RealTimeHandler);
254  var optionChainProvider = Composer.Instance.GetPart<IOptionChainProvider>();
255  if (optionChainProvider == null)
256  {
257  optionChainProvider = new CachingOptionChainProvider(new LiveOptionChainProvider(parameters.DataCacheProvider, parameters.MapFileProvider));
258  Composer.Instance.AddPart(optionChainProvider);
259  }
260  // set the option chain provider
261  algorithm.SetOptionChainProvider(optionChainProvider);
263  var futureChainProvider = Composer.Instance.GetPart<IFutureChainProvider>();
264  if (futureChainProvider == null)
265  {
266  futureChainProvider = new CachingFutureChainProvider(new LiveFutureChainProvider(parameters.DataCacheProvider));
267  Composer.Instance.AddPart(futureChainProvider);
268  }
269  // set the future chain provider
270  algorithm.SetFutureChainProvider(futureChainProvider);
272  //Initialise the algorithm, get the required data:
273  algorithm.Initialize();
275  if (liveJob.Brokerage != "PaperBrokerage")
276  {
277  //Zero the CashBook - we'll populate directly from brokerage
278  foreach (var kvp in algorithm.Portfolio.CashBook)
279  {
280  kvp.Value.SetAmount(0);
281  }
282  }
283  }
284  catch (Exception err)
285  {
286  AddInitializationError(err.ToString(), err);
287  }
288  }, controls.RamAllocation,
289  sleepIntervalMillis: 100); // entire system is waiting on this, so be as fast as possible
291  if (Errors.Count != 0)
292  {
293  // if we already got an error just exit right away
294  return false;
295  }
297  if (!initializeComplete)
298  {
299  AddInitializationError("Initialization timed out.");
300  return false;
301  }
303  if (!LoadCashBalance(brokerage, algorithm))
304  {
305  return false;
306  }
308  if (!LoadExistingHoldingsAndOrders(brokerage, algorithm, parameters))
309  {
310  return false;
311  }
313  // after algorithm was initialized, should set trading days per year for our great portfolio statistics
316  var dataAggregator = Composer.Instance.GetPart<IDataAggregator>();
317  dataAggregator?.Initialize(new () { AlgorithmSettings = algorithm.Settings });
319  //Finalize Initialization
320  algorithm.PostInitialize();
324  if (algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue == 0)
325  {
326  algorithm.Debug("Warning: No cash balances or holdings were found in the brokerage account.");
327  }
329  string maxCashLimitStr;
330  if (liveJob.BrokerageData.TryGetValue(MaxAllocationLimitConfig, out maxCashLimitStr))
331  {
332  var maxCashLimit = decimal.Parse(maxCashLimitStr, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
334  // If allocation exceeded by more than $10,000; block deployment
335  if (algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue > (maxCashLimit + 10000m))
336  {
337  var exceptionMessage = $"TotalPortfolioValue '{algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue}' exceeds allocation limit '{maxCashLimit}'";
338  algorithm.Debug(exceptionMessage);
339  throw new ArgumentException(exceptionMessage);
340  }
341  }
343  //Set the starting portfolio value for the strategy to calculate performance:
344  StartingPortfolioValue = algorithm.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue;
345  StartingDate = DateTime.Now;
346  }
347  catch (Exception err)
348  {
349  AddInitializationError(err.ToString(), err);
350  }
351  finally
352  {
353  if (brokerage != null)
354  {
355  brokerage.Message -= brokerageOnMessage;
356  }
357  }
359  return Errors.Count == 0;
360  }
362  private bool LoadCashBalance(IBrokerage brokerage, IAlgorithm algorithm)
363  {
364  Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Fetching cash balance from brokerage...");
365  try
366  {
367  // set the algorithm's cash balance for each currency
368  var cashBalance = brokerage.GetCashBalance();
369  foreach (var cash in cashBalance)
370  {
371  Log.Trace($"BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Setting {cash.Currency} cash to {cash.Amount}");
373  algorithm.Portfolio.SetCash(cash.Currency, cash.Amount, 0);
374  }
375  }
376  catch (Exception err)
377  {
378  Log.Error(err);
379  AddInitializationError("Error getting cash balance from brokerage: " + err.Message, err);
380  return false;
381  }
382  return true;
383  }
385  /// <summary>
386  /// Loads existing holdings and orders
387  /// </summary>
388  protected bool LoadExistingHoldingsAndOrders(IBrokerage brokerage, IAlgorithm algorithm, SetupHandlerParameters parameters)
389  {
390  Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Fetching open orders from brokerage...");
391  try
392  {
393  GetOpenOrders(algorithm, parameters.ResultHandler, parameters.TransactionHandler, brokerage);
394  }
395  catch (Exception err)
396  {
397  Log.Error(err);
398  AddInitializationError("Error getting open orders from brokerage: " + err.Message, err);
399  return false;
400  }
402  Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Fetching holdings from brokerage...");
403  try
404  {
405  var utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow;
407  // populate the algorithm with the account's current holdings
408  var holdings = brokerage.GetAccountHoldings();
410  // add options first to ensure raw data normalization mode is set on the equity underlyings
411  foreach (var holding in holdings.OrderByDescending(x => x.Type))
412  {
413  Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Has existing holding: " + holding);
415  // verify existing holding security type
416  Security security;
417  if (!GetOrAddUnrequestedSecurity(algorithm, holding.Symbol, holding.Type, out security))
418  {
419  continue;
420  }
422  var exchangeTime = utcNow.ConvertFromUtc(security.Exchange.TimeZone);
424  security.Holdings.SetHoldings(holding.AveragePrice, holding.Quantity);
426  if (holding.MarketPrice == 0)
427  {
428  // try warming current market price
429  holding.MarketPrice = algorithm.GetLastKnownPrice(security)?.Price ?? 0;
430  }
432  if (holding.MarketPrice != 0)
433  {
434  security.SetMarketPrice(new TradeBar
435  {
436  Time = exchangeTime,
437  Open = holding.MarketPrice,
438  High = holding.MarketPrice,
439  Low = holding.MarketPrice,
440  Close = holding.MarketPrice,
441  Volume = 0,
442  Symbol = holding.Symbol,
443  DataType = MarketDataType.TradeBar
444  });
445  }
446  }
447  }
448  catch (Exception err)
449  {
450  Log.Error(err);
451  AddInitializationError("Error getting account holdings from brokerage: " + err.Message, err);
452  return false;
453  }
455  return true;
456  }
458  private bool GetOrAddUnrequestedSecurity(IAlgorithm algorithm, Symbol symbol, SecurityType securityType, out Security security)
459  {
460  return algorithm.GetOrAddUnrequestedSecurity(symbol, out security,
461  onError: (supportedSecurityTypes) => AddInitializationError(
462  "Found unsupported security type in existing brokerage holdings: " + securityType + ". " +
463  "QuantConnect currently supports the following security types: " + string.Join(",", supportedSecurityTypes)));
464  }
466  /// <summary>
467  /// Get the open orders from a brokerage. Adds <see cref="Orders.Order"/> and <see cref="Orders.OrderTicket"/> to the transaction handler
468  /// </summary>
469  /// <param name="algorithm">Algorithm instance</param>
470  /// <param name="resultHandler">The configured result handler</param>
471  /// <param name="transactionHandler">The configurated transaction handler</param>
472  /// <param name="brokerage">Brokerage output instance</param>
473  protected void GetOpenOrders(IAlgorithm algorithm, IResultHandler resultHandler, ITransactionHandler transactionHandler, IBrokerage brokerage)
474  {
475  // populate the algorithm with the account's outstanding orders
476  var openOrders = brokerage.GetOpenOrders();
478  // add options first to ensure raw data normalization mode is set on the equity underlyings
479  foreach (var order in openOrders.OrderByDescending(x => x.SecurityType))
480  {
481  // verify existing holding security type
482  Security security;
483  if (!GetOrAddUnrequestedSecurity(algorithm, order.Symbol, order.SecurityType, out security))
484  {
485  continue;
486  }
488  transactionHandler.AddOpenOrder(order, algorithm);
489  order.PriceCurrency = security?.SymbolProperties.QuoteCurrency;
491  Log.Trace($"BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Has open order: {order}");
492  resultHandler.DebugMessage($"BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Open order detected. Creating order tickets for open order {order.Symbol.Value} with quantity {order.Quantity}. Beware that this order ticket may not accurately reflect the quantity of the order if the open order is partially filled.");
493  }
494  }
496  /// <summary>
497  /// Adds initialization error to the Errors list
498  /// </summary>
499  /// <param name="message">The error message to be added</param>
500  /// <param name="inner">The inner exception being wrapped</param>
501  private void AddInitializationError(string message, Exception inner = null)
502  {
503  Errors.Add(new AlgorithmSetupException("During the algorithm initialization, the following exception has occurred: " + message, inner));
504  }
506  /// <summary>
507  /// Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
508  /// </summary>
509  /// <filterpriority>2</filterpriority>
510  public void Dispose()
511  {
512  _factory?.DisposeSafely();
514  if (_dataQueueHandlerBrokerage != null)
515  {
516  if (_dataQueueHandlerBrokerage.IsConnected)
517  {
518  _dataQueueHandlerBrokerage.Disconnect();
519  }
520  _dataQueueHandlerBrokerage.DisposeSafely();
521  }
522  else
523  {
524  var dataQueueHandler = Composer.Instance.GetPart<IDataQueueHandler>();
525  if (dataQueueHandler != null)
526  {
527  Log.Trace($"BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): Found data queue handler to dispose: {dataQueueHandler.GetType()}");
528  dataQueueHandler.DisposeSafely();
529  }
530  else
531  {
532  Log.Trace("BrokerageSetupHandler.Setup(): did not find any data queue handler to dispose");
533  }
534  }
535  }
537  private void PreloadDataQueueHandler(LiveNodePacket liveJob, IAlgorithm algorithm, IBrokerageFactory factory)
538  {
539  // preload the data queue handler using custom BrokerageFactory attribute
540  var dataQueueHandlerType = Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Brokerage))
541  .GetTypes()
542  .FirstOrDefault(x =>
543  x.FullName != null &&
544  x.FullName.EndsWith(liveJob.DataQueueHandler) &&
545  x.HasAttribute(typeof(BrokerageFactoryAttribute)));
547  if (dataQueueHandlerType != null)
548  {
549  var attribute = dataQueueHandlerType.GetCustomAttribute<BrokerageFactoryAttribute>();
551  // only load the data queue handler if the factory is different from our brokerage factory
552  if (attribute.Type != factory.GetType())
553  {
554  var brokerageFactory = (BrokerageFactory)Activator.CreateInstance(attribute.Type);
556  // copy the brokerage data (usually credentials)
557  foreach (var kvp in brokerageFactory.BrokerageData)
558  {
559  if (!liveJob.BrokerageData.ContainsKey(kvp.Key))
560  {
561  liveJob.BrokerageData.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
562  }
563  }
565  // create the data queue handler and add it to composer
566  _dataQueueHandlerBrokerage = brokerageFactory.CreateBrokerage(liveJob, algorithm);
568  // open connection for subscriptions
569  _dataQueueHandlerBrokerage.Connect();
570  }
571  }
572  }
573  }
574 }