class | AccountCurrencyImmediateSettlementModel |
| Represents the model responsible for applying cash settlement rules More...
class | AccountEvent |
| Messaging class signifying a change in a user's account More...
class | AdjustedPriceVariationModel |
| Provides an implementation of IPriceVariationModel for use when data is DataNormalizationMode.Adjusted. More...
class | ApplyFundsSettlementModelParameters |
| Helper parameters class for ISettlementModel.ApplyFunds(ApplyFundsSettlementModelParameters) More...
class | BrokerageModelSecurityInitializer |
| Provides an implementation of ISecurityInitializer that initializes a security by settings the Security.FillModel, Security.FeeModel, Security.SlippageModel, and the Security.SettlementModel properties More...
class | BuyingPower |
| Defines the result for IBuyingPowerModel.GetBuyingPower More...
class | BuyingPowerModel |
| Provides a base class for all buying power models More...
class | BuyingPowerModelExtensions |
| Provides extension methods as backwards compatibility shims More...
class | BuyingPowerParameters |
| Defines the parameters for IBuyingPowerModel.GetBuyingPower More...
class | Cash |
| Represents a holding of a currency in cash. More...
struct | CashAmount |
| Represents a cash amount which can be converted to account currency using a currency converter More...
class | CashBook |
| Provides a means of keeping track of the different cash holdings of an algorithm More...
class | CashBookUpdatedEventArgs |
| Event fired when the cash book is updated More...
class | CashBuyingPowerModel |
| Represents a buying power model for cash accounts More...
class | CompositeSecurityInitializer |
| Provides an implementation of ISecurityInitializer that executes each initializer in order More...
class | ConstantBuyingPowerModel |
| Provides an implementation of IBuyingPowerModel that uses an absurdly low margin requirement to ensure all orders have sufficient margin provided the portfolio is not underwater. More...
class | ContractSecurityFilterUniverse |
| Base class for contract symbols filtering universes. Used by OptionFilterUniverse and FutureFilterUniverse More...
class | ConvertibleCashAmount |
| A cash amount that can easily be converted into account currency More...
class | DefaultMarginCallModel |
| Represents the model responsible for picking which orders should be executed during a margin call More...
class | DelayedSettlementModel |
| Represents the model responsible for applying cash settlement rules More...
class | DynamicSecurityData |
| Provides access to a security's data via it's type. This implementation supports dynamic access by type name. More...
class | EmptyContractFilter |
| Derivate security universe selection filter which will always return empty More...
class | EquityPriceVariationModel |
| Provides an implementation of IPriceVariationModel for use in defining the minimum price variation for a given equity under Regulation NMS – Rule 612 (a.k.a – the “sub-penny rule”) More...
class | ErrorCurrencyConverter |
| Provides an implementation of ICurrencyConverter for use in tests that don't depend on this behavior. More...
class | FuncSecurityDerivativeFilter |
| Provides a functional implementation of IDerivativeSecurityFilter<T> More...
class | FuncSecurityInitializer |
| Provides a functional implementation of ISecurityInitializer More...
class | FuncSecuritySeeder |
| Seed a security price from a history function More...
class | FutureExpirationCycles |
| Static class contains definitions of popular futures expiration cycles More...
class | FutureFilterUniverse |
| Represents futures symbols universe used in filtering. More...
class | FutureFilterUniverseEx |
| Extensions for Linq support More...
class | Futures |
| Futures static class contains shortcut definitions of major futures contracts available for trading More...
class | GetMaximumOrderQuantityForDeltaBuyingPowerParameters |
| Defines the parameters for IBuyingPowerModel.GetMaximumOrderQuantityForDeltaBuyingPower More...
class | GetMaximumOrderQuantityForTargetBuyingPowerParameters |
| Defines the parameters for IBuyingPowerModel.GetMaximumOrderQuantityForTargetBuyingPower More...
class | GetMaximumOrderQuantityResult |
| Contains the information returned by IBuyingPowerModel.GetMaximumOrderQuantityForTargetBuyingPower and IBuyingPowerModel.GetMaximumOrderQuantityForDeltaBuyingPower More...
class | GetMinimumPriceVariationParameters |
| Defines the parameters for IPriceVariationModel.GetMinimumPriceVariation More...
class | HasSufficientBuyingPowerForOrderParameters |
| Defines the parameters for IBuyingPowerModel.HasSufficientBuyingPowerForOrder More...
class | HasSufficientBuyingPowerForOrderResult |
| Contains the information returned by IBuyingPowerModel.HasSufficientBuyingPowerForOrder More...
interface | IBaseCurrencySymbol |
| Interface for various currency symbols More...
interface | IBuyingPowerModel |
| Represents a security's model of buying power More...
interface | IContinuousSecurity |
| A continuous security that get's mapped during his life More...
interface | ICurrencyConverter |
| Provides the ability to convert cash amounts to the account currency More...
class | IdentityCurrencyConverter |
| Provides an implementation of ICurrencyConverter that does NOT perform conversions. This implementation will throw if the specified cashAmount is not in units of account currency. More...
interface | IDerivativeSecurity |
| Defines a security as a derivative of another security More...
interface | IDerivativeSecurityFilter |
| Filters a set of derivative symbols using the underlying price data. More...
interface | IDerivativeSecurityFilterUniverse |
| Represents derivative symbols universe used in filtering. More...
interface | IMarginCallModel |
| Represents the model responsible for picking which orders should be executed during a margin call More...
interface | IMarginInterestRateModel |
| The responsability of this model is to apply margin interest rate cash flows to the portfolio More...
class | ImmediateSettlementModel |
| Represents the model responsible for applying cash settlement rules More...
class | IndicatorVolatilityModel |
| Provides an implementation of IVolatilityModel that uses an indicator to compute its value More...
class | InitialMargin |
| Result type for IBuyingPowerModel.GetInitialMarginRequirement and IBuyingPowerModel.GetInitialMarginRequiredForOrder More...
class | InitialMarginParameters |
| Parameters for IBuyingPowerModel.GetInitialMarginRequirement More...
class | InitialMarginRequiredForOrderParameters |
| Defines the parameters for BuyingPowerModel.GetInitialMarginRequiredForOrder More...
interface | IOrderEventProvider |
| Represents a type with a new OrderEvent event EventHandler. More...
interface | IOrderProcessor |
| Represents a type capable of processing orders More...
interface | IOrderProvider |
| Represents a type capable of fetching Order instances by its QC order id or by a brokerage id More...
interface | IPriceVariationModel |
| Gets the minimum price variation of a given security More...
interface | IRegisteredSecurityDataTypesProvider |
| Provides the set of base data types registered in the algorithm More...
interface | ISecurityInitializer |
| Represents a type capable of initializing a new security More...
interface | ISecurityPortfolioModel |
| Performs order fill application to portfolio More...
interface | ISecurityProvider |
| Represents a type capable of fetching the holdings for the specified symbol More...
interface | ISecuritySeeder |
| Used to seed the security with the correct price More...
interface | ISettlementModel |
| Represents the model responsible for applying cash settlement rules More...
interface | ISymbol |
| Base interface intended for universe data to have some of their symbol properties accessible directly. More...
interface | IVolatilityModel |
| Represents a model that computes the volatility of a security More...
class | LocalMarketHours |
| Represents the market hours under normal conditions for an exchange and a specific day of the week in terms of local time More...
class | MaintenanceMargin |
| Result type for IBuyingPowerModel.GetMaintenanceMargin More...
class | MaintenanceMarginParameters |
| Parameters for IBuyingPowerModel.GetMaintenanceMargin More...
class | MarginCallModel |
| Provides access to a null implementation for IMarginCallModel More...
class | MarginCallOrdersParameters |
| Defines the parameters for DefaultMarginCallModel.GenerateMarginCallOrders More...
class | MarginInterestRateModel |
| Provides access to a null implementation for IMarginInterestRateModel More...
class | MarginInterestRateParameters |
| Defines the parameters for IMarginInterestRateModel.ApplyMarginInterestRate More...
class | MarketHoursDatabase |
| Provides access to exchange hours and raw data times zones in various markets More...
class | MarketHoursSegment |
| Represents the state of an exchange during a specified time range More...
class | NullBuyingPowerModel |
| Provides a buying power model considers that there is sufficient buying power for all orders More...
class | OptionFilterUniverse |
| Represents options symbols universe used in filtering. More...
class | OptionFilterUniverseEx |
| Extensions for Linq support More...
class | OptionInitialMargin |
| Result type for Option.OptionStrategyPositionGroupBuyingPowerModel.GetInitialMarginRequirement More...
class | OrderProviderExtensions |
| Provides extension methods for the IOrderProvider interface More...
class | PatternDayTradingMarginModel |
| Represents a simple margining model where margin/leverage depends on market state (open or close). During regular market hours, leverage is 4x, otherwise 2x More...
class | RegisteredSecurityDataTypesProvider |
| Provides an implementation of IRegisteredSecurityDataTypesProvider that permits the consumer to modify the expected types More...
class | RelativeStandardDeviationVolatilityModel |
| Provides an implementation of IVolatilityModel that computes the relative standard deviation as the volatility of the security More...
class | ReservedBuyingPowerForPosition |
| Defines the result for IBuyingPowerModel.GetReservedBuyingPowerForPosition More...
class | ReservedBuyingPowerForPositionParameters |
| Defines the parameters for IBuyingPowerModel.GetReservedBuyingPowerForPosition More...
class | ScanSettlementModelParameters |
| The settlement model ISettlementModel.Scan(ScanSettlementModelParameters) parameters More...
class | Security |
| A base vehicle properties class for providing a common interface to all assets in QuantConnect. More...
class | SecurityCache |
| Base class caching spot for security data and any other temporary properties. More...
class | SecurityCacheDataStoredEventArgs |
| Event args for SecurityCache's DataStored event More...
class | SecurityCacheProvider |
| A helper class that will provide SecurityCache instances More...
class | SecurityDatabaseKey |
| Represents the key to a single entry in the MarketHoursDatabase or the SymbolPropertiesDatabase More...
class | SecurityDataFilter |
| Base class implementation for packet by packet data filtering mechanism to dynamically detect bad ticks. More...
class | SecurityDataFilterPythonWrapper |
| Python Wrapper for custom security data filters from Python More...
class | SecurityDefinition |
| Helper class containing various unique identifiers for a given SecurityIdentifier, such as FIGI, ISIN, CUSIP, SEDOL. More...
class | SecurityDefinitionSymbolResolver |
| Resolves standardized security definitions such as FIGI, CUSIP, ISIN, SEDOL into a properly mapped Lean Symbol, and vice-versa. More...
class | SecurityEventArgs |
| Defines a base class for Security related events More...
class | SecurityExchange |
| Base exchange class providing information and helper tools for reading the current exchange situation More...
class | SecurityExchangeHours |
| Represents the schedule of a security exchange. This includes daily regular and extended market hours as well as holidays, early closes and late opens. More...
class | SecurityHolding |
| SecurityHolding is a base class for purchasing and holding a market item which manages the asset portfolio More...
class | SecurityHoldingQuantityChangedEventArgs |
| Event arguments for the SecurityHolding.QuantityChanged event. The event data contains the previous quantity/price. The current quantity/price can be accessed via the SecurityEventArgs.Security property More...
class | SecurityInitializer |
| Provides static access to the Null security initializer More...
class | SecurityManager |
| Enumerable security management class for grouping security objects into an array and providing any common properties. More...
class | SecurityMarginModel |
| Represents a simple, constant margin model by specifying the percentages of required margin. More...
class | SecurityPortfolioManager |
| Portfolio manager class groups popular properties and makes them accessible through one interface. It also provide indexing by the vehicle symbol to get the Security.Holding objects. More...
class | SecurityPortfolioModel |
| Provides a default implementation of ISecurityPortfolioModel that simply applies the fills to the algorithm's portfolio. This implementation is intended to handle all security types. More...
class | SecurityPriceVariationModel |
| Provides default implementation of IPriceVariationModel for use in defining the minimum price variation. More...
class | SecurityProviderExtensions |
| Provides extension methods for the ISecurityProvider interface. More...
class | SecuritySeeder |
| Provides access to a null implementation for ISecuritySeeder More...
class | SecurityService |
| This class implements interface ISecurityService providing methods for creating new Security More...
class | SecurityTransactionManager |
| Algorithm Transactions Manager - Recording Transactions More...
class | StandardDeviationOfReturnsVolatilityModel |
| Provides an implementation of IVolatilityModel that computes the annualized sample standard deviation of daily returns as the volatility of the security More...
class | SymbolProperties |
| Represents common properties for a specific security, uniquely identified by market, symbol and security type More...
class | SymbolPropertiesDatabase |
| Provides access to specific properties for various symbols More...
class | UniverseManager |
| Manages the algorithm's collection of universes More...
class | UnsettledCashAmount |
| Represents a pending cash amount waiting for settlement time More...
class | VolatilityModel |
| Provides access to a null implementation for IVolatilityModel More...