Lean  $LEAN_TAG$
1 /*
2  * QUANTCONNECT.COM - Democratizing Finance, Empowering Individuals.
3  * Lean Algorithmic Trading Engine v2.0. Copyright 2014 QuantConnect Corporation.
4  *
5  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  * You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8  *
9  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13  * limitations under the License.
14 */
16 using System;
17 using System.Collections.Generic;
18 using System.Linq;
20 using QuantConnect.Data;
23 using QuantConnect.Logging;
25 using QuantConnect.Util;
29 {
30  /// <summary>
31  /// Provides methods for apply the results of universe selection to an algorithm
32  /// </summary>
33  public class UniverseSelection
34  {
35  private IDataFeedSubscriptionManager _dataManager;
36  private readonly IAlgorithm _algorithm;
37  private readonly ISecurityService _securityService;
38  private readonly Dictionary<DateTime, Dictionary<Symbol, Security>> _pendingSecurityAdditions = new Dictionary<DateTime, Dictionary<Symbol, Security>>();
39  private readonly PendingRemovalsManager _pendingRemovalsManager;
40  private readonly CurrencySubscriptionDataConfigManager _currencySubscriptionDataConfigManager;
41  private readonly InternalSubscriptionManager _internalSubscriptionManager;
42  private bool _initializedSecurityBenchmark;
43  private bool _anyDoesNotHaveFundamentalDataWarningLogged;
44  private readonly SecurityChangesConstructor _securityChangesConstructor;
46  /// <summary>
47  /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="UniverseSelection"/> class
48  /// </summary>
49  /// <param name="algorithm">The algorithm to add securities to</param>
50  /// <param name="securityService">The security service</param>
51  /// <param name="dataPermissionManager">The data permissions manager</param>
52  /// <param name="dataProvider">The data provider to use</param>
53  /// <param name="internalConfigResolution">The resolution to use for internal configuration</param>
55  IAlgorithm algorithm,
56  ISecurityService securityService,
57  IDataPermissionManager dataPermissionManager,
58  IDataProvider dataProvider,
59  Resolution internalConfigResolution = Resolution.Minute)
60  {
61  _algorithm = algorithm;
62  _securityService = securityService;
63  _pendingRemovalsManager = new PendingRemovalsManager(algorithm.Transactions);
64  _currencySubscriptionDataConfigManager = new CurrencySubscriptionDataConfigManager(algorithm.Portfolio.CashBook,
65  algorithm.Securities,
66  algorithm.SubscriptionManager,
67  _securityService,
68  Resolution.Minute);
69  // TODO: next step is to merge currency internal subscriptions under the same 'internal manager' instance and we could move this directly into the DataManager class
70  _internalSubscriptionManager = new InternalSubscriptionManager(_algorithm, internalConfigResolution);
71  _securityChangesConstructor = new SecurityChangesConstructor();
72  }
74  /// <summary>
75  /// Sets the data manager
76  /// </summary>
78  {
79  if (_dataManager != null)
80  {
81  throw new Exception("UniverseSelection.SetDataManager(): can only be set once");
82  }
83  _dataManager = dataManager;
85  _internalSubscriptionManager.Added += (sender, request) =>
86  {
87  _dataManager.AddSubscription(request);
88  };
89  _internalSubscriptionManager.Removed += (sender, request) =>
90  {
91  _dataManager.RemoveSubscription(request.Configuration);
92  };
93  }
95  /// <summary>
96  /// Applies universe selection the the data feed and algorithm
97  /// </summary>
98  /// <param name="universe">The universe to perform selection on</param>
99  /// <param name="dateTimeUtc">The current date time in utc</param>
100  /// <param name="universeData">The data provided to perform selection with</param>
101  public SecurityChanges ApplyUniverseSelection(Universe universe, DateTime dateTimeUtc, BaseDataCollection universeData)
102  {
103  var algorithmEndDateUtc = _algorithm.EndDate.ConvertToUtc(_algorithm.TimeZone);
104  if (dateTimeUtc > algorithmEndDateUtc)
105  {
106  return SecurityChanges.None;
107  }
109  IEnumerable<Symbol> selectSymbolsResult;
111  // check if this universe must be filtered with fine fundamental data
113  fineFiltered ??= (universe as FundamentalFilteredUniverse)?.FundamentalUniverse;
115  if (fineFiltered != null
116  // if the universe has been disposed we don't perform selection. This us handled bellow by 'Universe.PerformSelection'
117  // but in this case we directly call 'SelectSymbols' because we want to perform fine selection even if coarse returns the same
118  // symbols, see 'Universe.PerformSelection', which detects this and returns 'Universe.Unchanged'
119  && !universe.DisposeRequested)
120  {
121  // perform initial filtering and limit the result
122  selectSymbolsResult = universe.SelectSymbols(dateTimeUtc, universeData);
124  if (!ReferenceEquals(selectSymbolsResult, Universe.Unchanged))
125  {
126  // prepare a BaseDataCollection of FineFundamental instances
127  var fineCollection = new BaseDataCollection();
129  // if the input is already fundamental data we just need to filter it and pass it through
130  var hasFundamentalData = universeData.Data.Count > 0 && universeData.Data[0] is Fundamental;
131  if(hasFundamentalData)
132  {
133  // Remove selected symbols that does not have fine fundamental data
134  var anyDoesNotHaveFundamentalData = false;
136  // only pre filter selected symbols if there actually is any fundamental data. This way we can support custom universe filtered by fine fundamental data
137  // which do not use coarse data as underlying, in which case it could happen that we try to load fine fundamental data that is missing, but no problem,
138  // 'FineFundamentalSubscriptionEnumeratorFactory' won't emit it
139  var set = selectSymbolsResult.ToHashSet();
140  fineCollection.Data.AddRange(universeData.Data.OfType<Fundamental>().Where(fundamental => {
141  // we remove to we distict by symbol
142  if (set.Remove(fundamental.Symbol))
143  {
144  if (!fundamental.HasFundamentalData)
145  {
146  anyDoesNotHaveFundamentalData = true;
147  return false;
148  }
149  return true;
150  }
151  return false;
152  }));
154  if (!_anyDoesNotHaveFundamentalDataWarningLogged && anyDoesNotHaveFundamentalData)
155  {
156  _algorithm.Debug("Note: Your coarse selection filter was updated to exclude symbols without fine fundamental data. Make sure your coarse filter excludes symbols where HasFundamental is false.");
157  _anyDoesNotHaveFundamentalDataWarningLogged = true;
158  }
159  }
160  else
161  {
162  // we need to load the fundamental data
163  var currentTime = dateTimeUtc.ConvertFromUtc(TimeZones.NewYork);
164  foreach (var symbol in selectSymbolsResult)
165  {
166  fineCollection.Data.Add(new Fundamental(currentTime, symbol));
167  }
168  }
170  universeData.Data = fineCollection.Data;
171  // perform the fine fundamental universe selection
172  selectSymbolsResult = fineFiltered.PerformSelection(dateTimeUtc, fineCollection);
173  }
174  }
175  else
176  {
177  // perform initial filtering and limit the result
178  selectSymbolsResult = universe.PerformSelection(dateTimeUtc, universeData);
179  }
181  if (!ReferenceEquals(selectSymbolsResult, Universe.Unchanged))
182  {
183  // materialize the enumerable into a set for processing
184  universe.Selected = selectSymbolsResult.ToHashSet();
185  }
187  // first check for no pending removals, even if the universe selection
188  // didn't change we might need to remove a security because a position was closed
189  RemoveSecurityFromUniverse(
190  _pendingRemovalsManager.CheckPendingRemovals(universe.Selected, universe),
191  dateTimeUtc,
192  algorithmEndDateUtc);
194  // check for no changes second
195  if (ReferenceEquals(selectSymbolsResult, Universe.Unchanged))
196  {
197  return SecurityChanges.None;
198  }
200  // determine which data subscriptions need to be removed from this universe
201  foreach (var member in universe.Securities.Values.OrderBy(member => member.Security.Symbol.SecurityType).ThenBy(x => x.Security.Symbol.ID))
202  {
203  var security = member.Security;
204  // if we've selected this subscription again, keep it
205  if (universe.Selected.Contains(security.Symbol)) continue;
207  // don't remove if the universe wants to keep him in
208  if (!universe.CanRemoveMember(dateTimeUtc, security)) continue;
210  if (!member.Security.IsDelisted)
211  {
212  // TODO: here we are not checking if other universes have this security still selected
213  _securityChangesConstructor.Remove(member.Security, member.IsInternal);
214  }
216  RemoveSecurityFromUniverse(_pendingRemovalsManager.TryRemoveMember(security, universe),
217  dateTimeUtc,
218  algorithmEndDateUtc);
219  }
221  Dictionary<Symbol, Security> pendingAdditions;
222  if (!_pendingSecurityAdditions.TryGetValue(dateTimeUtc, out pendingAdditions))
223  {
224  // if the frontier moved forward then we've added these securities to the algorithm
225  _pendingSecurityAdditions.Clear();
227  // keep track of created securities so we don't create the same security twice, leads to bad things :)
228  pendingAdditions = new Dictionary<Symbol, Security>();
229  _pendingSecurityAdditions[dateTimeUtc] = pendingAdditions;
230  }
232  // find new selections and add them to the algorithm
233  foreach (var symbol in universe.Selected)
234  {
235  if (universe.Securities.ContainsKey(symbol))
236  {
237  // if its already part of the universe no need to re add it
238  continue;
239  }
241  Security underlying = null;
242  if (symbol.HasUnderlying)
243  {
244  underlying = GetOrCreateSecurity(pendingAdditions, symbol.Underlying, universe.UniverseSettings);
245  }
246  // create the new security, the algorithm thread will add this at the appropriate time
247  var security = GetOrCreateSecurity(pendingAdditions, symbol, universe.UniverseSettings, underlying);
249  var addedSubscription = false;
250  var dataFeedAdded = false;
251  var internalFeed = true;
252  foreach (var request in universe.GetSubscriptionRequests(security, dateTimeUtc, algorithmEndDateUtc,
253  _algorithm.SubscriptionManager.SubscriptionDataConfigService))
254  {
255  if (!request.TradableDaysInDataTimeZone.Any())
256  {
257  // Remove the config from the data manager. universe.GetSubscriptionRequests() might have added the configs
258  _dataManager.RemoveSubscription(request.Configuration, universe);
259  continue;
260  }
262  if (security.Symbol == request.Configuration.Symbol // Just in case check its the same symbol, else AddData will throw.
263  && !security.Subscriptions.Contains(request.Configuration))
264  {
265  // For now this is required for retro compatibility with usages of security.Subscriptions
266  security.AddData(request.Configuration);
267  }
269  var toRemove = _currencySubscriptionDataConfigManager.GetSubscriptionDataConfigToRemove(request.Configuration.Symbol);
270  if (toRemove != null)
271  {
272  Log.Trace($"UniverseSelection.ApplyUniverseSelection(): Removing internal currency data feed {toRemove}");
273  _dataManager.RemoveSubscription(toRemove);
274  }
276  // 'dataFeedAdded' will help us notify the user for security changes only once per non internal subscription
277  // for example two universes adding the sample configuration, we don't want two notifications
278  dataFeedAdded = _dataManager.AddSubscription(request);
280  // only update our security changes if we actually added data
281  if (!request.IsUniverseSubscription)
282  {
283  addedSubscription = true;
284  // if any config isn't internal then it's not internal
285  internalFeed &= request.Configuration.IsInternalFeed;
286  _internalSubscriptionManager.AddedSubscriptionRequest(request);
287  }
288  }
290  if (addedSubscription)
291  {
292  var addedMember = universe.AddMember(dateTimeUtc, security, internalFeed);
294  if (addedMember && dataFeedAdded)
295  {
296  _securityChangesConstructor.Add(security, internalFeed);
297  }
298  }
299  }
301  var securityChanges = _securityChangesConstructor.Flush();
303  // Add currency data feeds that weren't explicitly added in Initialize
304  if (securityChanges.AddedSecurities.Count > 0)
305  {
306  EnsureCurrencyDataFeeds(securityChanges);
307  }
309  if (securityChanges != SecurityChanges.None && Log.DebuggingEnabled)
310  {
311  // for performance lets not create the message string if debugging is not enabled
312  // this can be executed many times and its in the algorithm thread
313  Log.Debug("UniverseSelection.ApplyUniverseSelection(): " + dateTimeUtc + ": " + securityChanges);
314  }
316  return securityChanges;
317  }
319  /// <summary>
320  /// Will add any pending internal currency subscriptions
321  /// </summary>
322  /// <param name="utcStart">The current date time in utc</param>
323  /// <returns>Will return true if any subscription was added</returns>
324  public bool AddPendingInternalDataFeeds(DateTime utcStart)
325  {
326  var added = false;
327  if (!_initializedSecurityBenchmark)
328  {
329  _initializedSecurityBenchmark = true;
331  var securityBenchmark = _algorithm.Benchmark as SecurityBenchmark;
332  if (securityBenchmark != null)
333  {
334  var resolution = _algorithm.LiveMode ? Resolution.Minute : Resolution.Hour;
336  // Check that the tradebar subscription we are using can support this resolution GH #5893
337  var subscriptionType = _algorithm.SubscriptionManager.SubscriptionDataConfigService.LookupSubscriptionConfigDataTypes(securityBenchmark.Security.Type, resolution, securityBenchmark.Security.Symbol.IsCanonical()).First();
338  var symbol = securityBenchmark.Security.Symbol;
339  var isCustomData = false;
341  // Check if the benchmark security is a custom data in order to make sure we get the correct
342  // type
343  if (symbol.SecurityType == SecurityType.Base)
344  {
345  var symbolDataConfigs = _algorithm.SubscriptionManager.SubscriptionDataConfigService.GetSubscriptionDataConfigs(symbol);
346  if (symbolDataConfigs.Any())
347  {
348  subscriptionType = new Tuple<Type, TickType>(symbolDataConfigs.First().Type, TickType.Trade);
349  isCustomData = true;
350  }
351  }
353  var baseInstance = subscriptionType.Item1.GetBaseDataInstance();
354  baseInstance.Symbol = securityBenchmark.Security.Symbol;
355  var supportedResolutions = baseInstance.SupportedResolutions();
356  if (!supportedResolutions.Contains(resolution))
357  {
358  resolution = supportedResolutions.OrderByDescending(x => x).First();
359  }
361  var subscriptionList = new List<Tuple<Type, TickType>>() {subscriptionType};
362  var dataConfig = _algorithm.SubscriptionManager.SubscriptionDataConfigService.Add(
363  securityBenchmark.Security.Symbol,
364  resolution,
365  isInternalFeed: true,
366  fillForward: false,
367  isCustomData: isCustomData,
368  subscriptionDataTypes: subscriptionList
369  ).First();
371  // we want to start from the previous tradable bar so the benchmark security
372  // never has 0 price
373  var previousTradableBar = Time.GetStartTimeForTradeBars(
374  securityBenchmark.Security.Exchange.Hours,
375  utcStart.ConvertFromUtc(securityBenchmark.Security.Exchange.TimeZone),
376  _algorithm.LiveMode ? Time.OneMinute : Time.OneDay,
377  1,
378  false,
379  dataConfig.DataTimeZone,
380  LeanData.UseStrictEndTime(_algorithm.Settings.DailyPreciseEndTime, securityBenchmark.Security.Symbol, _algorithm.LiveMode ? Time.OneMinute : Time.OneDay, securityBenchmark.Security.Exchange.Hours)
381  ).ConvertToUtc(securityBenchmark.Security.Exchange.TimeZone);
383  if (dataConfig != null)
384  {
385  added |= _dataManager.AddSubscription(new SubscriptionRequest(
386  false,
387  null,
388  securityBenchmark.Security,
389  dataConfig,
390  previousTradableBar,
391  _algorithm.EndDate.ConvertToUtc(_algorithm.TimeZone)));
393  Log.Trace($"UniverseSelection.AddPendingInternalDataFeeds(): Adding internal benchmark data feed {dataConfig}");
394  }
395  }
396  }
398  if (_currencySubscriptionDataConfigManager.UpdatePendingSubscriptionDataConfigs(_algorithm.BrokerageModel))
399  {
400  foreach (var subscriptionDataConfig in _currencySubscriptionDataConfigManager
401  .GetPendingSubscriptionDataConfigs())
402  {
403  var security = _algorithm.Securities[subscriptionDataConfig.Symbol];
404  added |= _dataManager.AddSubscription(new SubscriptionRequest(
405  false,
406  null,
407  security,
408  subscriptionDataConfig,
409  utcStart,
410  _algorithm.EndDate.ConvertToUtc(_algorithm.TimeZone)));
411  }
412  }
413  return added;
414  }
416  /// <summary>
417  /// Checks the current subscriptions and adds necessary currency pair feeds to provide real time conversion data
418  /// </summary>
419  public void EnsureCurrencyDataFeeds(SecurityChanges securityChanges)
420  {
421  _currencySubscriptionDataConfigManager.EnsureCurrencySubscriptionDataConfigs(securityChanges, _algorithm.BrokerageModel);
422  }
424  /// <summary>
425  /// Handles the delisting process of the given data symbol from the algorithm securities
426  /// </summary>
427  public SecurityChanges HandleDelisting(BaseData data, bool isInternalFeed)
428  {
429  if (_algorithm.Securities.TryGetValue(data.Symbol, out var security))
430  {
431  // don't allow users to open a new position once delisted
432  security.IsDelisted = true;
433  security.IsTradable = false;
435  // Add the security removal to the security changes but only if not pending for removal.
436  // If pending, the removed change event was already emitted for this security
437  if (_algorithm.Securities.Remove(data.Symbol) && !_pendingRemovalsManager.PendingRemovals.Values.Any(x => x.Any(y => y.Symbol == data.Symbol)))
438  {
439  _securityChangesConstructor.Remove(security, isInternalFeed);
441  return _securityChangesConstructor.Flush();
442  }
443  }
445  return SecurityChanges.None;
446  }
448  private void RemoveSecurityFromUniverse(
449  List<PendingRemovalsManager.RemovedMember> removedMembers,
450  DateTime dateTimeUtc,
451  DateTime algorithmEndDateUtc)
452  {
453  if (removedMembers == null)
454  {
455  return;
456  }
457  foreach (var removedMember in removedMembers)
458  {
459  var universe = removedMember.Universe;
460  var member = removedMember.Security;
462  // safe to remove the member from the universe
463  universe.RemoveMember(dateTimeUtc, member);
465  var isActive = _algorithm.UniverseManager.ActiveSecurities.ContainsKey(member.Symbol);
466  foreach (var subscription in universe.GetSubscriptionRequests(member, dateTimeUtc, algorithmEndDateUtc,
467  _algorithm.SubscriptionManager.SubscriptionDataConfigService))
468  {
469  if (_dataManager.RemoveSubscription(subscription.Configuration, universe))
470  {
471  _internalSubscriptionManager.RemovedSubscriptionRequest(subscription);
473  // if not used by any universe
474  if (!isActive)
475  {
476  member.IsTradable = false;
477  // We need to mark this security as untradeable while it has no data subscription
478  // it is expected that this function is called while in sync with the algo thread,
479  // so we can make direct edits to the security here.
480  // We only clear the cache once the subscription is removed from the data stack
481  member.Cache.Reset();
483  _algorithm.Securities.Remove(member.Symbol);
484  }
485  }
486  }
487  }
488  }
490  private Security GetOrCreateSecurity(Dictionary<Symbol, Security> pendingAdditions, Symbol symbol, UniverseSettings universeSettings, Security underlying = null)
491  {
492  // create the new security, the algorithm thread will add this at the appropriate time
493  Security security;
494  if (!pendingAdditions.TryGetValue(symbol, out security) && !_algorithm.Securities.TryGetValue(symbol, out security))
495  {
496  security = _securityService.CreateSecurity(symbol, new List<SubscriptionDataConfig>(), universeSettings.Leverage, symbol.ID.SecurityType.IsOption(), underlying);
498  pendingAdditions.Add(symbol, security);
499  }
501  return security;
502  }
503  }
504 }