Public static helper class that does parsing/generation of symbol representations (options, futures) More...
Classes | |
class | FutureTickerProperties |
Class contains future ticker properties returned by ParseFutureTicker() More... | |
class | OptionTickerProperties |
Class contains option ticker properties returned by ParseOptionTickerIQFeed() More... | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static FutureTickerProperties | ParseFutureTicker (string ticker) |
Function returns underlying name, expiration year, expiration month, expiration day for the future contract ticker. Function detects if the format used is either 1 or 2 digits year, and if day code is present (will default to 1rst day of month). Returns null, if parsing failed. Format [Ticker][2 digit day code OPTIONAL][1 char month code][2/1 digit year code] More... | |
static Symbol | ParseFutureSymbol (string ticker, int? futureYear=null) |
Helper method to parse and generate a future symbol from a given user friendly representation More... | |
static Symbol | ParseFutureOptionSymbol (string ticker, int strikeScale=1) |
Creates a future option Symbol from the provided ticker More... | |
static string | GenerateFutureTicker (string underlying, DateTime expiration, bool doubleDigitsYear=true, bool includeExpirationDate=true) |
Returns future symbol ticker from underlying and expiration date. Function can generate tickers of two formats: one and two digits year. Format [Ticker][2 digit day code][1 char month code][2/1 digit year code], more information at http://help.tradestation.com/09_01/tradestationhelp/symbology/futures_symbology.htm More... | |
static string | GenerateOptionTickerOSI (this Symbol symbol) |
Returns option symbol ticker in accordance with OSI symbology More information can be found at http://www.optionsclearing.com/components/docs/initiatives/symbology/symbology_initiative_v1_8.pdf More... | |
static string | GenerateOptionTickerOSI (string underlying, OptionRight right, decimal strikePrice, DateTime expiration) |
Returns option symbol ticker in accordance with OSI symbology More information can be found at http://www.optionsclearing.com/components/docs/initiatives/symbology/symbology_initiative_v1_8.pdf More... | |
static string | GenerateOptionTickerOSICompact (this Symbol symbol) |
Returns option symbol ticker in accordance with OSI symbology More information can be found at http://www.optionsclearing.com/components/docs/initiatives/symbology/symbology_initiative_v1_8.pdf More... | |
static string | GenerateOptionTickerOSICompact (string underlying, OptionRight right, decimal strikePrice, DateTime expiration) |
Returns option symbol ticker in accordance with OSI symbology More information can be found at http://www.optionsclearing.com/components/docs/initiatives/symbology/symbology_initiative_v1_8.pdf More... | |
static Symbol | ParseOptionTickerOSI (string ticker, SecurityType securityType=SecurityType.Option, string market=Market.USA) |
Parses the specified OSI options ticker into a Symbol object More... | |
static Symbol | ParseOptionTickerOSI (string ticker, SecurityType securityType, OptionStyle optionStyle, string market) |
Parses the specified OSI options ticker into a Symbol object More... | |
static bool | TryDecomposeOptionTickerOSI (string ticker, out string optionTicker, out DateTime expiry, out OptionRight right, out decimal strike) |
Tries to decompose the specified OSI options ticker into its components More... | |
static bool | TryDecomposeOptionTickerOSI (string ticker, SecurityType securityType, out string optionTicker, out string underlyingTicker, out DateTime expiry, out OptionRight right, out decimal strike) |
Tries to decompose the specified OSI options ticker into its components More... | |
static string | GenerateOptionTicker (Symbol symbol) |
Function returns option ticker from IQFeed option ticker For example CSCO1220V19 Cisco October Put at 19.00 Expiring on 10/20/12 Symbology details: http://www.iqfeed.net/symbolguide/index.cfm?symbolguide=guide&displayaction=support%C2%A7ion=guide&web=iqfeed&guide=options&web=IQFeed&type=stock More... | |
static OptionTickerProperties | ParseOptionTickerIQFeed (string ticker) |
Function returns option contract parameters (underlying name, expiration date, strike, right) from IQFeed option ticker Symbology details: http://www.iqfeed.net/symbolguide/index.cfm?symbolguide=guide&displayaction=support%C2%A7ion=guide&web=iqfeed&guide=options&web=IQFeed&type=stock More... | |
Properties | |
static IReadOnlyDictionary< string, int > | FuturesMonthCodeLookup [get] |
Provides a lookup dictionary for mapping futures month codes to their corresponding numeric values. More... | |
static IReadOnlyDictionary< int, string > | FuturesMonthLookup = FuturesMonthCodeLookup.ToDictionary(kv => kv.Value, kv => kv.Key) [get] |
Provides a lookup dictionary for mapping numeric values to their corresponding futures month codes. More... | |
Public static helper class that does parsing/generation of symbol representations (options, futures)
Definition at line 34 of file SymbolRepresentation.cs.
static |
Function returns underlying name, expiration year, expiration month, expiration day for the future contract ticker. Function detects if the format used is either 1 or 2 digits year, and if day code is present (will default to 1rst day of month). Returns null, if parsing failed. Format [Ticker][2 digit day code OPTIONAL][1 char month code][2/1 digit year code]
ticker |
Definition at line 104 of file SymbolRepresentation.cs.
static |
Helper method to parse and generate a future symbol from a given user friendly representation
ticker | The future ticker, for example 'ESZ1' |
futureYear | Clarifies the year for the current future |
Definition at line 156 of file SymbolRepresentation.cs.
static |
Creates a future option Symbol from the provided ticker
ticker | The future option ticker, for example 'ESZ0 P3590' |
strikeScale | Optional the future option strike scale factor |
Definition at line 185 of file SymbolRepresentation.cs.
static |
Returns future symbol ticker from underlying and expiration date. Function can generate tickers of two formats: one and two digits year. Format [Ticker][2 digit day code][1 char month code][2/1 digit year code], more information at http://help.tradestation.com/09_01/tradestationhelp/symbology/futures_symbology.htm
underlying | String underlying |
expiration | Expiration date |
doubleDigitsYear | True if year should represented by two digits; False - one digit |
includeExpirationDate | True if expiration date should be included |
Definition at line 255 of file SymbolRepresentation.cs.
static |
Returns option symbol ticker in accordance with OSI symbology More information can be found at http://www.optionsclearing.com/components/docs/initiatives/symbology/symbology_initiative_v1_8.pdf
symbol | Symbol object to create OSI ticker from |
Definition at line 298 of file SymbolRepresentation.cs.
static |
Returns option symbol ticker in accordance with OSI symbology More information can be found at http://www.optionsclearing.com/components/docs/initiatives/symbology/symbology_initiative_v1_8.pdf
underlying | Underlying string |
right | Option right |
strikePrice | Option strike |
expiration | Option expiration date |
Definition at line 318 of file SymbolRepresentation.cs.
static |
Returns option symbol ticker in accordance with OSI symbology More information can be found at http://www.optionsclearing.com/components/docs/initiatives/symbology/symbology_initiative_v1_8.pdf
symbol | Symbol object to create OSI ticker from |
Definition at line 330 of file SymbolRepresentation.cs.
static |
Returns option symbol ticker in accordance with OSI symbology More information can be found at http://www.optionsclearing.com/components/docs/initiatives/symbology/symbology_initiative_v1_8.pdf
underlying | Underlying string |
right | Option right |
strikePrice | Option strike |
expiration | Option expiration date |
Definition at line 350 of file SymbolRepresentation.cs.
static |
Parses the specified OSI options ticker into a Symbol object
ticker | The OSI compliant option ticker string |
securityType | The security type |
market | The associated market |
Definition at line 362 of file SymbolRepresentation.cs.
static |
Parses the specified OSI options ticker into a Symbol object
ticker | The OSI compliant option ticker string |
securityType | The security type |
market | The associated market |
optionStyle | The option style |
Definition at line 375 of file SymbolRepresentation.cs.
static |
Tries to decompose the specified OSI options ticker into its components
ticker | The OSI option ticker |
optionTicker | The option ticker extracted from the OSI symbol |
expiry | The option contract expiry date |
right | The option contract right |
strike | The option contract strike price |
Definition at line 414 of file SymbolRepresentation.cs.
static |
Tries to decompose the specified OSI options ticker into its components
ticker | The OSI option ticker |
securityType | The option security type |
optionTicker | The option ticker extracted from the OSI symbol |
underlyingTicker | The underlying ticker |
expiry | The option contract expiry date |
right | The option contract right |
strike | The option contract strike price |
Definition at line 452 of file SymbolRepresentation.cs.
static |
Function returns option ticker from IQFeed option ticker For example CSCO1220V19 Cisco October Put at 19.00 Expiring on 10/20/12 Symbology details: http://www.iqfeed.net/symbolguide/index.cfm?symbolguide=guide&displayaction=support%C2%A7ion=guide&web=iqfeed&guide=options&web=IQFeed&type=stock
symbol | THe option symbol |
Definition at line 479 of file SymbolRepresentation.cs.
static |
Function returns option contract parameters (underlying name, expiration date, strike, right) from IQFeed option ticker Symbology details: http://www.iqfeed.net/symbolguide/index.cfm?symbolguide=guide&displayaction=support%C2%A7ion=guide&web=iqfeed&guide=options&web=IQFeed&type=stock
ticker | IQFeed option ticker |
Definition at line 493 of file SymbolRepresentation.cs.
staticget |
Provides a lookup dictionary for mapping futures month codes to their corresponding numeric values.
Definition at line 564 of file SymbolRepresentation.cs.
staticget |
Provides a lookup dictionary for mapping numeric values to their corresponding futures month codes.
Definition at line 583 of file SymbolRepresentation.cs.