


Project-specific configuration is stored in the project directory in the config.json file. This file is automatically generated when you run lean project-create or lean cloud pull. Just like the global and Lean configuration files, the project configuration is stored as JSON but without support for comments.

To use the CLI, you must be a member in an organization on a paid tier.


The following properties are stored in the config.json file:

descriptionThis property contains the project's description, which is displayed in backtest reports. It must always be a string.
parametersThis property is a key/value object containing the project's parameters. Both the keys and the values must be strings. To load parameter values into your algorithm, see Get Parameters. The parameter values are sent to your algorithm when you deploy the algorithm, so it's not possible to change the parameter values while the algorithm runs.
cloud-idThis property is set automatically after the project has been pulled from or pushed to the cloud. It contains the id of the project's counterpart in the cloud and must not be modified or removed manually.
local-idThis property is set automatically when the CLI needs to uniquely identify the current project. It contains a unique id that is specific to the project and must not be modified or removed manually.
librariesThis property is set automatically when you add a project library to the project. It contains a list of dictionaries that hold the name and path of each library.
organization-idThis property is set automatically after the project has been pulled from or pushed to the cloud. It contains the Id of the organization that the project is saved to in the cloud.
algorithm-languageThis property contains the language of the project. It is automatically set when the project is created and must not be modified or removed manually.
dockerThis property is a key/value object containing the docker instance's "environment" and "ports" command line run arguments. For example, to expose host port 999 to internal port 6006, write "docker": { "ports": { "999": "6006"} }.
lean-engineThis property is the version number of the LEAN Engine version that the project uses.
python-venvThis property is an integer that represents the Python environment that the project uses.
encryptedThis property is automatically set when you encrypt or decrypt a project. It's a boolean that represents if the local project is currently encrypted.
encryption-key-pathThis property is automatically set when the local project is currently encrypted. It's a string that represents the path to the file that contains the encryption key.

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