Energy group More...
Static Public Attributes | |
const string | PropaneNonLDHMontBelvieu = "1S" |
Propane Non LDH Mont Belvieu (OPIS) BALMO Futures More... | |
const string | ArgusPropaneFarEastIndexBALMO = "22" |
Argus Propane Far East Index BALMO Futures More... | |
const string | MiniEuropeanThreePointPercentFiveFuelOilBargesPlatts = "A0D" |
Mini European 3.5% Fuel Oil Barges FOB Rdam (Platts) Futures More... | |
const string | MiniSingaporeFuelOil180CstPlatts = "A0F" |
Mini Singapore Fuel Oil 180 cst (Platts) Futures More... | |
const string | GulfCoastULSDPlattsUpDownBALMO = "A1L" |
Gulf Coast ULSD (Platts) Up-Down BALMO Futures More... | |
const string | GulfCoastJetPlattsUpDownBALMO = "A1M" |
Gulf Coast Jet (Platts) Up-Down BALMO Futures More... | |
const string | PropaneNonLDHMontBelvieuOPIS = "A1R" |
Propane Non-LDH Mont Belvieu (OPIS) Futures More... | |
const string | EuropeanPropaneCIFARAArgusBALMO = "A32" |
European Propane CIF ARA (Argus) BALMO Futures More... | |
const string | PremiumUnleadedGasoline10ppmFOBMEDPlatts = "A3G" |
Premium Unleaded Gasoline 10 ppm FOB MED (Platts) Futures More... | |
const string | ArgusPropaneFarEastIndex = "A7E" |
Argus Propane Far East Index Futures More... | |
const string | GasolineEurobobOxyNWEBargesArgusCrackSpreadBALMO = "A7I" |
Gasoline Euro-bob Oxy NWE Barges (Argus) Crack Spread BALMO Futures More... | |
const string | MontBelvieuNaturalGasolineOPIS = "A7Q" |
Mont Belvieu Natural Gasoline (OPIS) Futures More... | |
const string | MontBelvieuNormalButaneOPISBALMO = "A8J" |
Mont Belvieu Normal Butane (OPIS) BALMO Futures More... | |
const string | ConwayPropaneOPIS = "A8K" |
Conway Propane (OPIS) Futures More... | |
const string | MontBelvieuLDHPropaneOPISBALMO = "A8O" |
Mont Belvieu LDH Propane (OPIS) BALMO Futures More... | |
const string | ArgusPropaneFarEastIndexVsEuropeanPropaneCIFARAArgus = "A91" |
Argus Propane Far East Index vs. European Propane CIF ARA (Argus) Futures More... | |
const string | ArgusPropaneSaudiAramco = "A9N" |
Argus Propane (Saudi Aramco) Futures More... | |
const string | GroupThreeULSDPlattsVsNYHarborULSD = "AA6" |
Group Three ULSD (Platts) vs. NY Harbor ULSD Futures More... | |
const string | GroupThreeSuboctaneGasolinePlattsVsRBOB = "AA8" |
Group Three Sub-octane Gasoliine (Platts) vs. RBOB Futures More... | |
const string | SingaporeFuelOil180cstPlattsBALMO = "ABS" |
Singapore Fuel Oil 180 cst (Platts) BALMO Futures More... | |
const string | SingaporeFuelOil380cstPlattsBALMO = "ABT" |
Singapore Fuel Oil 380 cst (Platts) BALMO Futures More... | |
const string | MontBelvieuEthaneOPIS = "AC0" |
Mont Belvieu Ethane (OPIS) Futures More... | |
const string | MontBelvieuNormalButaneOPIS = "AD0" |
Mont Belvieu Normal Butane (OPIS) Futures More... | |
const string | BrentCrudeOilVsDubaiCrudeOilPlatts = "ADB" |
Brent Crude Oil vs. Dubai Crude Oil (Platts) Futures More... | |
const string | ArgusLLSvsWTIArgusTradeMonth = "AE5" |
Argus LLS vs. WTI (Argus) Trade Month Futures More... | |
const string | SingaporeGasoilPlattsVsLowSulphurGasoilFutures = "AGA" |
Singapore Gasoil (Platts) vs. Low Sulphur Gasoil Futures More... | |
const string | LosAngelesCARBOBGasolineOPISvsRBOBGasoline = "AJL" |
Los Angeles CARBOB Gasoline (OPIS) vs. RBOB Gasoline Futures More... | |
const string | LosAngelesJetOPISvsNYHarborULSD = "AJS" |
Los Angeles Jet (OPIS) vs. NY Harbor ULSD Futures More... | |
const string | LosAngelesCARBDieselOPISvsNYHarborULSD = "AKL" |
Los Angeles CARB Diesel (OPIS) vs. NY Harbor ULSD Futures More... | |
const string | EuropeanNaphthaPlattsBALMO = "AKZ" |
European Naphtha (Platts) BALMO Futures More... | |
const string | EuropeanPropaneCIFARAArgus = "APS" |
European Propane CIF ARA (Argus) Futures More... | |
const string | MontBelvieuNaturalGasolineOPISBALMO = "AR0" |
Mont Belvieu Natural Gasoline (OPIS) BALMO Futures More... | |
const string | RBOBGasolineCrackSpread = "ARE" |
RBOB Gasoline Crack Spread Futures More... | |
const string | GulfCoastHSFOPlattsBALMO = "AVZ" |
Gulf Coast HSFO (Platts) BALMO Futures More... | |
const string | MarsArgusVsWTITradeMonth = "AYV" |
Mars (Argus) vs. WTI Trade Month Futures More... | |
const string | MarsArgusVsWTIFinancial = "AYX" |
Mars (Argus) vs. WTI Financial Futures More... | |
const string | EthanolT2FOBRdamIncludingDutyPlatts = "AZ1" |
Ethanol T2 FOB Rdam Including Duty (Platts) Futures More... | |
const string | MontBelvieuLDHPropaneOPIS = "B0" |
Mont Belvieu LDH Propane (OPIS) Futures More... | |
const string | GasolineEurobobOxyNWEBargesArgus = "B7H" |
Gasoline Euro-bob Oxy NWE Barges (Argus) Futures More... | |
const string | WTIBrentFinancial = "BK" |
WTI-Brent Financial Futures More... | |
const string | ThreePointFivePercentFuelOilBargesFOBRdamPlattsCrackSpread1000mt = "BOO" |
3.5% Fuel Oil Barges FOB Rdam (Platts) Crack Spread (1000mt) Futures More... | |
const string | GasolineEurobobOxyNWEBargesArgusBALMO = "BR7" |
Gasoline Euro-bob Oxy NWE Barges (Argus) BALMO Futures More... | |
const string | BrentLastDayFinancial = "BZ" |
Brent Last Day Financial Futures More... | |
const string | CrudeOilWTI = "CL" |
Crude Oil WTI Futures More... | |
const string | GulfCoastCBOBGasolineA2PlattsVsRBOBGasoline = "CRB" |
Gulf Coast CBOB Gasoline A2 (Platts) vs. RBOB Gasoline Futures More... | |
const string | ClearbrookBakkenSweetCrudeOilMonthlyIndexNetEnergy = "CSW" |
Clearbrook Bakken Sweet Crude Oil Monthly Index (Net Energy) Futures More... | |
const string | WTIFinancial = "CSX" |
WTI Financial Futures More... | |
const string | ChicagoEthanolPlatts = "CU" |
Chicago Ethaanol (Platts) Futures More... | |
const string | SingaporeMogas92UnleadedPlattsBrentCrackSpread = "D1N" |
Singapore Mogas 92 Unleaded (Platts) Brent Crack Spread Futures More... | |
const string | DubaiCrudeOilPlattsFinancial = "DCB" |
Dubai Crude Oil (Platts) Financial Futures More... | |
const string | JapanCnFNaphthaPlattsBALMO = "E6" |
Japan C&F Naphtha (Platts) BALMO Futures More... | |
const string | Ethanol = "EH" |
Ethanol Futures More... | |
const string | EuropeanNaphthaPlattsCrackSpread = "EN" |
European Naphtha (Platts) Crack Spread Futures More... | |
const string | EuropeanPropaneCIFARAArgusVsNaphthaCargoesCIFNWEPlatts = "EPN" |
European Propane CIF ARA (Argus) vs. Naphtha Cargoes CIF NWE (Platts) Futures More... | |
const string | SingaporeFuelOil380cstPlattsVsEuropeanThreePointFivePercentFuelOilBargesFOBRdamPlatts = "EVC" |
Singapore Fuel Oil 380 cst (Platts) vs. European 3.5% Fuel Oil Barges FOB Rdam (Platts) Futures More... | |
const string | EastWestGasolineSpreadPlattsArgus = "EWG" |
East-West Gasoline Spread (Platts-Argus) Futures More... | |
const string | EastWestNaphthaJapanCFvsCargoesCIFNWESpreadPlatts = "EWN" |
East-West Naphtha: Japan C&F vs. Cargoes CIF NWE Spread (Platts) Futures More... | |
const string | RBOBGasolineVsEurobobOxyNWEBargesArgusThreeHundredFiftyThousandGallons = "EXR" |
RBOB Gasoline vs. Euro-bob Oxy NWE Barges (Argus) (350,000 gallons) Futures More... | |
const string | ThreePointFivePercentFuelOilBargesFOBRdamPlattsCrackSpread = "FO" |
3.5% Fuel Oil Barges FOB Rdam (Platts) Crack Spread Futures More... | |
const string | FreightRouteTC14Baltic = "FRC" |
Freight Route TC14 (Baltic) Futures More... | |
const string | OnePercentFuelOilCargoesFOBNWEPlattsVsThreePointFivePercentFuelOilBargesFOBRdamPlatts = "FSS" |
1% Fuel Oil Cargoes FOB NWE (Platts) vs. 3.5% Fuel Oil Barges FOB Rdam (Platts) Futures More... | |
const string | GulfCoastHSFOPlattsVsEuropeanThreePointFivePercentFuelOilBargesFOBRdamPlatts = "GCU" |
Gulf Coast HSFO (Platts) vs. European 3.5% Fuel Oil Barges FOB Rdam (Platts) Futures More... | |
const string | WTIHoustonCrudeOil = "HCL" |
WTI Houston Crude Oil Futures More... | |
const string | NaturalGasHenryHubLastDayFinancial = "HH" |
Natural Gas (Henry Hub) Last-day Financial Futures More... | |
const string | HeatingOil = "HO" |
Heating Oil Futures More... | |
const string | NaturalGasHenryHubPenultimateFinancial = "HP" |
Natural Gas (Henry Hub) Penultimate Financial Futures More... | |
const string | WTIHoustonArgusVsWTITradeMonth = "HTT" |
WTI Houston (Argus) vs. WTI Trade Month Futures More... | |
const string | Gasoline = "RB" |
Gasoline RBOB Futures More... | |
const string | NaturalGas = "NG" |
Natural Gas Futures More... | |
const string | BrentCrude = "B" |
Brent Crude Futures More... | |
const string | LowSulfurGasoil = "G" |
Low Sulfur Gasoil More... | |
const string | MicroCrudeOilWTI = "MCL" |
Micro WTI Crude Oil Futures More... | |
const string | MicroSingaporeFOBMarineFuelZeroPointFivePercetPlatts = "S5O" |
Micro Singapore FOB Marine Fuel 0.5% (Platts) Futures More... | |
const string | MicroGasoilZeroPointOnePercentBargesFOBARAPlatts = "M1B" |
Micro Gasoil 0.1% Barges FOB ARA (Platts) Futures More... | |
const string | MicroEuropeanFOBRdamMarineFuelZeroPointFivePercentBargesPlatts = "R5O" |
Micro European FOB Rdam Marine Fuel 0.5% Barges (Platts) Futures More... | |
const string | MicroEuropeanThreePointFivePercentOilBargesFOBRdamPlatts = "MEF" |
Micro European 3.5% Fuel Oil Barges FOB Rdam (Platts) Futures More... | |
const string | MicroSingaporeFuelOil380CSTPlatts = "MAF" |
Micro Singapore Fuel Oil 380CST (Platts) Futures More... | |
const string | MicroCoalAPIFivefobNewcastleArgusMcCloskey = "M5F" |
Micro Coal (API 5) fob Newcastle (Argus/McCloskey) Futures More... | |
const string | MicroEuropeanThreePointFivePercentFuelOilCargoesFOBMedPlatts = "M35" |
Micro European 3.5% Fuel Oil Cargoes FOB Med (Platts) Futures More... | |
Energy group
Definition at line 343 of file Futures.cs.
static |
Propane Non LDH Mont Belvieu (OPIS) BALMO Futures
Definition at line 349 of file Futures.cs.
static |
Argus Propane Far East Index BALMO Futures
Definition at line 355 of file Futures.cs.
static |
Mini European 3.5% Fuel Oil Barges FOB Rdam (Platts) Futures
Definition at line 361 of file Futures.cs.
static |
Mini Singapore Fuel Oil 180 cst (Platts) Futures
Definition at line 367 of file Futures.cs.
static |
Gulf Coast ULSD (Platts) Up-Down BALMO Futures
Definition at line 373 of file Futures.cs.
static |
Gulf Coast Jet (Platts) Up-Down BALMO Futures
Definition at line 379 of file Futures.cs.
static |
Propane Non-LDH Mont Belvieu (OPIS) Futures
Definition at line 385 of file Futures.cs.
static |
European Propane CIF ARA (Argus) BALMO Futures
Definition at line 391 of file Futures.cs.
static |
Premium Unleaded Gasoline 10 ppm FOB MED (Platts) Futures
Definition at line 397 of file Futures.cs.
static |
static |
Gasoline Euro-bob Oxy NWE Barges (Argus) Crack Spread BALMO Futures
Definition at line 409 of file Futures.cs.
static |
Mont Belvieu Natural Gasoline (OPIS) Futures
Definition at line 415 of file Futures.cs.
static |
Mont Belvieu Normal Butane (OPIS) BALMO Futures
Definition at line 421 of file Futures.cs.
static |
static |
Mont Belvieu LDH Propane (OPIS) BALMO Futures
Definition at line 433 of file Futures.cs.
static |
Argus Propane Far East Index vs. European Propane CIF ARA (Argus) Futures
Definition at line 439 of file Futures.cs.
static |
static |
Group Three ULSD (Platts) vs. NY Harbor ULSD Futures
Definition at line 451 of file Futures.cs.
static |
Group Three Sub-octane Gasoliine (Platts) vs. RBOB Futures
Definition at line 457 of file Futures.cs.
static |
Singapore Fuel Oil 180 cst (Platts) BALMO Futures
Definition at line 463 of file Futures.cs.
static |
Singapore Fuel Oil 380 cst (Platts) BALMO Futures
Definition at line 469 of file Futures.cs.
static |
static |
Mont Belvieu Normal Butane (OPIS) Futures
Definition at line 481 of file Futures.cs.
static |
Brent Crude Oil vs. Dubai Crude Oil (Platts) Futures
Definition at line 487 of file Futures.cs.
static |
Argus LLS vs. WTI (Argus) Trade Month Futures
Definition at line 493 of file Futures.cs.
static |
Singapore Gasoil (Platts) vs. Low Sulphur Gasoil Futures
Definition at line 499 of file Futures.cs.
static |
Los Angeles CARBOB Gasoline (OPIS) vs. RBOB Gasoline Futures
Definition at line 505 of file Futures.cs.
static |
Los Angeles Jet (OPIS) vs. NY Harbor ULSD Futures
Definition at line 511 of file Futures.cs.
static |
Los Angeles CARB Diesel (OPIS) vs. NY Harbor ULSD Futures
Definition at line 517 of file Futures.cs.
static |
European Naphtha (Platts) BALMO Futures
Definition at line 523 of file Futures.cs.
static |
European Propane CIF ARA (Argus) Futures
Definition at line 529 of file Futures.cs.
static |
Mont Belvieu Natural Gasoline (OPIS) BALMO Futures
Definition at line 535 of file Futures.cs.
static |
static |
static |
Mars (Argus) vs. WTI Trade Month Futures
Definition at line 553 of file Futures.cs.
static |
static |
Ethanol T2 FOB Rdam Including Duty (Platts) Futures
Definition at line 565 of file Futures.cs.
static |
Mont Belvieu LDH Propane (OPIS) Futures
Definition at line 571 of file Futures.cs.
static |
Gasoline Euro-bob Oxy NWE Barges (Argus) Futures
Definition at line 577 of file Futures.cs.
static |
static |
3.5% Fuel Oil Barges FOB Rdam (Platts) Crack Spread (1000mt) Futures
Definition at line 589 of file Futures.cs.
static |
Gasoline Euro-bob Oxy NWE Barges (Argus) BALMO Futures
Definition at line 595 of file Futures.cs.
static |
static |
static |
Gulf Coast CBOB Gasoline A2 (Platts) vs. RBOB Gasoline Futures
Definition at line 613 of file Futures.cs.
static |
Clearbrook Bakken Sweet Crude Oil Monthly Index (Net Energy) Futures
Definition at line 619 of file Futures.cs.
static |
static |
static |
Singapore Mogas 92 Unleaded (Platts) Brent Crack Spread Futures
Definition at line 637 of file Futures.cs.
static |
Dubai Crude Oil (Platts) Financial Futures
Definition at line 643 of file Futures.cs.
static |
Japan C&F Naphtha (Platts) BALMO Futures
Definition at line 649 of file Futures.cs.
static |
static |
European Naphtha (Platts) Crack Spread Futures
Definition at line 661 of file Futures.cs.
static |
European Propane CIF ARA (Argus) vs. Naphtha Cargoes CIF NWE (Platts) Futures
Definition at line 667 of file Futures.cs.
static |
Singapore Fuel Oil 380 cst (Platts) vs. European 3.5% Fuel Oil Barges FOB Rdam (Platts) Futures
Definition at line 673 of file Futures.cs.
static |
East-West Gasoline Spread (Platts-Argus) Futures
Definition at line 679 of file Futures.cs.
static |
East-West Naphtha: Japan C&F vs. Cargoes CIF NWE Spread (Platts) Futures
Definition at line 685 of file Futures.cs.
static |
RBOB Gasoline vs. Euro-bob Oxy NWE Barges (Argus) (350,000 gallons) Futures
Definition at line 691 of file Futures.cs.
static |
3.5% Fuel Oil Barges FOB Rdam (Platts) Crack Spread Futures
Definition at line 697 of file Futures.cs.
static |
static |
1% Fuel Oil Cargoes FOB NWE (Platts) vs. 3.5% Fuel Oil Barges FOB Rdam (Platts) Futures
Definition at line 709 of file Futures.cs.
static |
Gulf Coast HSFO (Platts) vs. European 3.5% Fuel Oil Barges FOB Rdam (Platts) Futures
Definition at line 714 of file Futures.cs.
static |
static |
Natural Gas (Henry Hub) Last-day Financial Futures
Definition at line 726 of file Futures.cs.
static |
static |
Natural Gas (Henry Hub) Penultimate Financial Futures
Definition at line 738 of file Futures.cs.
static |
WTI Houston (Argus) vs. WTI Trade Month Futures
Definition at line 744 of file Futures.cs.
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
static |
Micro Singapore FOB Marine Fuel 0.5% (Platts) Futures
Definition at line 780 of file Futures.cs.
static |
Micro Gasoil 0.1% Barges FOB ARA (Platts) Futures
Definition at line 786 of file Futures.cs.
static |
Micro European FOB Rdam Marine Fuel 0.5% Barges (Platts) Futures
Definition at line 792 of file Futures.cs.
static |
Micro European 3.5% Fuel Oil Barges FOB Rdam (Platts) Futures
Definition at line 798 of file Futures.cs.
static |
Micro Singapore Fuel Oil 380CST (Platts) Futures
Definition at line 804 of file Futures.cs.
static |
Micro Coal (API 5) fob Newcastle (Argus/McCloskey) Futures
Definition at line 810 of file Futures.cs.
static |
Micro European 3.5% Fuel Oil Cargoes FOB Med (Platts) Futures
Definition at line 816 of file Futures.cs.